Fears and Phobias
Fears and Phobias
Whether it is creepy crawly things, pitch darkness or things that go bump in the night, we all feel fearful of something to some degree. It is natural and normal. In many cases, feeling fear is healthy and vital in keeping us safe from real danger, such as being outside during a lightning storm or crossing a busy street.
Overwhelming fear can severely interfere with a person’s daily life. A fear of heights may cause a person to experience intense worry and apprehension simply by walking across a small bridge. The person consciously knows the bridge is safe, but such fear is never reasonable. Such an undercurrent of deeply unsettling and alarming feelings can often expand to include a number of other seemingly unrelated things and situations.
Extreme and seemingly illogical fear is the subconscious way to protect us from what it perceives to be dangerous and life threatening. The subconscious mind cannot decipher real danger from imagined danger, and so it creates an intense unsafe feeling. In time, just the thought of the fear generates more fear. The person may even become hyper-vigilant, and easily unnerved at the slightest physical sensation that reminds them of fearful feelings. This often leads the person into feeling they have lost control of themselves and their life.
When the initial event of the unset of the fear is consciously known, hypnosis is a safe, quick and effective way to dissolve catastrophic thoughts and take back control. Cases where the causal event that created the fear is consciously unknown, hypnosis gives the person the opportunity to uncover the situation. This allows the person to discover how their extreme fear developed and grew. New insight and understanding allows the subconscious mind to re-organize, create new perceptions and eliminate the fear.
Often the initial event where the fear is found to have originated is remembered, but seems insignificant. After all, how can a simple jester of dad tossing a child into the air, cause a sudden overwhelming fear as an adult, while looking over a second story balcony? Well, it can happen, because fear that is held within and remains unresolved, will resonate forward and be re-experienced in future events. Overwhelming fear can begin at any time, but most debilitating fears originate in childhood when the mind is most impressionable and a deep fear of the unknown can more easily develop.
If fear is holding you prisoner, let hypnosis help you unlock the door and set you free. Catastrophic thoughts no longer have any emotional power over you, and you to take back your control, confidence and emotional balance.