Overcoming Sexual Difficulties
The physical expression of love and intimacy through sexual activity is one of the greatest beauties in life. Having any problems with sexual ability, functions and pleasures can be devastating and severely disrupt sexual relationships. The first step is to have a complete medical evaluation for any possible organic or physical causes. On occasions, the underlying causes can be such things as birth defect, physical trauma, illness or disease. Once all medical issues are eliminated, hypnosis can quickly and effectively help individuals regain a sexually satisfying life.
Erectile Dysfunction
Once physical causes are ruled out, erectile dysfunction is a difficulty that stems from suppressed emotional hurt that resides in the subconscious mind. Whether it is pre-ejaculation, poor ejaculation control, total loss of erection, semi-loss of erection or erection loss just before penetration, it is a response based on an accumulation of negative thoughts and emotional fears, worries and guilt living in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is an easy and rapid process that allows you to uncover and resolve the perceptions and emotions resulting in sexual inability. Thus, you regain your ability to be in control, and take back your confidence and sense of masculinity.
Once physical causes are dismissed, frigidity is a difficulty that stems from suppressed emotional hurt that resides in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis allows you to discover, resolve and release the emotional hurt and fear underlying an inability to reach orgasm, sexual pain, lack of desire and sexual inhibition. In turn, you can regain a healthy sexual interest and fully enjoy all the pleasures and joys of a sexual life.