Tobacco Cessation
Eliminate Tobacco & Take Back Control of your Life.
The safe and natural process of hypnosis can help you to take back control, get your breath back and live free of tobacco for the rest of your life!
What is the main benefit when you stop using tobacco completely?
The most important benefit is you taking back your control. Once you became hooked on tobacco and it took over your life, you lost your control. You handed over your control to that urge, that craving or need.
To stop using tobacco you must first make the firm decison you want your control back, not for anyone or anything but for yourself. Secondly it is important that you are 100% committed and build a positive mental expectancy to be tobacco free for the rest of your life. Thereby, your desire to improve your health and better your chances for a longer life span follows automatically. It is a secondary benefit.
Such a firm commitment and mental expectancy frees you to be around friends and others that use tobacco products. It frees you to visit places and situations where smoking and spit tobacco are present. Ultimately you are building a powerful belief that within yourself, within your very own personal world, cigarettes and all tobacco products do not exist. This is the way to make tobacco use a thing of the past forever.
Chew Tobacco
Spit Tobacco is often misunderstood as a safer alternative to cigarettes. This is not true. Spit tobacco has its own health risks. General statistics reveal that one can of chew is equivalent to about 60 cigarettes or 3 packs of cigarettes. Besides the ingredient nicotine, spit tobacco is made from a mixture of tobacco, sweeteners, abrasives, salts and chemicals. It contains over 3,000 chemicals including 28 known carcinogens.
For a much quicker ingestion into the body, spit tobacco contains course microscopic abrasives that cause small cuts in the gum tissue. These abrasives also irritate the mouth gums and scratch away at the enamel on the teeth. Other long-term effects include leukoplakia, gum recession, gum and tooth disease, yellowing of teeth and chronic bad breath.
Like smoking tobacco, chew tobacco affects the cardiovascular system and may be associated with heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. Other health risks are deterioration of the jaw bone, cancer of the mouth, lips, tongue, cheeks, floor and roof of the mouth, as well as cancer of the lining of the stomach, the esophagus and the bladder.
Some Facts About Cigarettes and Smoking
According to the American Cancer Society, tobacco kills more Americans each year than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, homicode and accidents combined.
What’s in a cigarette anyways?
Smoking Cigarettes Creates Systemic Ill-Health
Cigarette smoke has over 4,000 poisonous chemicals that directly or indirectly affect every organ and system in the body. Cigarette carcinogens increase the chances for lung cancer and emphysema. In the digestive system, these poisons increase the chances for ulcers and gastrointestinal problems. In the circulatory system, these compounds accelerate the formation of arterial deposits associated with hardening of the arteries, increasing the chance for heart disease and sudden cardiac arrest.
Smoking Cigarettes Does Not have a True Relaxing Affect.
When inhaling cigarette smoke, the chemical nicotine acts as a stimulant on the heart muscle, while the carbon monoxide deprives it of oxygen. What may appear as relaxation is actually the carbon monoxide depleting the oxygen in your system and causing lethargy. This is not true relaxation.
It’s Never too Late To Stop Smoking.
Statistics reveal that the lungs of a smoker, even after enduring several years of heavy smoking, will begin to rejuvenate soon after becoming smoke free. A smoker’s lungs can return to good health and functioning.
Smoking Does Not Burn Fat.
Nicotine does not kill fat. That is an irrational fear that keeps many people smoking cigarettes to prevent weight gain. What often does happen is food tastes better when you stop smoking, simply because nicotine suppresses your taste buds. Similarly, eliminating the habit of chewing tobacco allows your ability to taste to return.
Weight Gain is a Result of Substituting Food for Cigarettes or Chew Tobacco.
It is important that you begin the process of becoming a tobacco free with the full understanding that you will not trade the tobacco habit for unhealthy eating. If needed we can work together to build a healthy desire for nutritious foods that are low in salt, low in sugar and low in fat, as well as enjoy more foods such as vegetables and fruits as part of your daily eating. This builds the mental belief that living tobacco free means living a healthier lifestyle in every way.
Steps to Achieve Successful Results with Hypnosis
Together we will work for you to regain trust of yourself and your own natural capability to fully and completely achieve your goal and become tobaco free for the rest of your life.
Focus on the Present
When you are fully in the moment, you are experiencing everything with a fresh eye and an open mind. Together we will work for you to grow free and live powerfully in the present with tobacco-free thoughts, feelings and satisfactions. Thus, you empower yourself to create your healthy future.
Expecting differs from hoping, wishing or trying. Being indefinite in your intentions only causes you to place yourself outside your goal and decrease success. Together we will work for you to be your goal, by imagining yourself already tobacco free. By establishing and reinforcing such expectations, your goal to be tobacco free becomes your reality.
To be successful, you must actively and consistently do what is necessary to meet your goal of living tobacco free. Together we will work for you to move forward with desire, focus and determination to change old unhealthy patterns and create your new healthy tobacco free life.
Through hypnosis you can honestly and completely let go of all those old internal tapes and sabotaging opinions you feel others have formed about you, and you have formed about yourself. It helps you to eliminate those negative perceptions that keep repeating within you and are holding you back from reaching your goal. Hypnosis then gives you the opportunity to accept new truths, new healthy perceptions and thoughts of yourself, living your life tobacco free.
Identify and Acknowledge your Fears and Doubts
Together we will work to bring your fears, worries, doubts and struggles to the surface, where you can identify and acknowledge them. We will work for you to release any negative internal talk, self criticism and self discrimination that sabotages your success. You will then have room for new healthy emotions, feelings, thoughts and attitudes.
Imagining yourself Tobacco Free
An important part of the process of becoming tobacco free is to mentally create the healthy tobacco free you, as you will be in the future. I will help you to bring those desires, benefits and rewards of being tobacco free into your present life. You will then begin imagining yourself becoming freer, healthier and happier. Such a desirable, free and healthy image of you has a powerful and positive influence on you.
Deep Breathing for Stress Reduction and Relaxation
Learning to relax and cope with stress is an integral part for success. Taking a deep satisfying breathe, holding it and then slowly releasing it through your mouth, is very much like taking that first long drag off a cigarette, but without the cigarette smoke. Try it. I will help you to use deep breathing as an additional method to create a chain response to relax your mind and body, release mental pressure, stress and confusion, as well as loosen muscle and nerve tightness. Such deep breathing naturally, gently and automatically slows down your heartbeat, calms you and gives you a chance to refocus and to regroup.
Help Your System Rebalance Itself
It is important to help your body flush out all the impurities from using tobacco products that have built up over time. Drink plenty of fresh water during the first week, and you will be pleasantly surprised how good it makes you feel. Eat plenty of fruits during the first week, and you will be pleasantly surprised how much your craving for cigarettes or chew is reduced. This is because much of your craving is for sugar. All cigarette and chew tobacco is loaded with sugar. Therefore, the natural fructose in fresh, healthy fruits will satisfy your sugar cravings as well as nourish your body.
Make Exercise Part of your Daily Routine
Exercise is as important to becoming tobacco free as it is to someone wanting to reduce weight and become fit and trim. I suggest in addition to healthier eating habits, to begin a suitable form of exercise, activity or sport. Simply by taking a walk, you can interrupt and break the old tobacco habit routine. All forms of exercise can improve your blood circulation and release those feel good feelings, as well as create internal pride, confidence and motivation.
However, do not exercise instead of using tobacco. That will only cause you to keep the thought of the old tobacco habit alive in your inner mind. Once you stop exercising, you may find yourself returning to the old habit. I suggest you exercise routinely because you want to feel better, you want to speed up your metabolism and you want to have a healthy body.
Be kind and patient with yourself.
Becoming tobacco free is a transition of replacing old programs and patterns with new strategies and patterns.
It is a transition of breaking connections between using tobacco and certain situations.