Creating Healthy Change
Through the Power of the Mind.
Experience hypnosis for yourself, and experience the power of your mind to change, heal and improve your life.
Helga Rahn is a Certified Hypnotist with 24 years experience providing healing through the process of hypnosis.
As you now take a tour and become familiar with Inner Harmony Hypnosis, I hope you gain a better understanding of hypnosis as a cutting-edge tool for healing emotionally and physically. The vast amount of information contained here can help you understand that hypnotism is simply a process that gives you an opportunity to shift away from debilitating thoughts and emotions, heal physical symptoms, and take back your power and your control.
During your hypnosis sessions, where you allow your subconscious mind to do all the work, you may amaze yourself how easily and successfully you can heal. Hence, live as the healthy, happy and successful person you are intended to be.
Hypnosis is an ancient method that even today is poorly understood. For some people it still seems mystical and magical, and for others it is believed to be downright fraudulent and useless. But it is not magic nor is it fraudulent, and when properly understood and used follows very specific rules and workings of the mind.
Health insurance does not cover hypnosis sessions. This is because hypnotism is not at this time licensed by state governments, and is a profession of certified practitioners. Therefore, a medical referral is required for all medically diagnosed diseases, illnesses, disorders and conditions.
Please feel free to contact me, Helga Rahn, with a telephone call, phone text or email if you have any questions regarding services. Also provide me with your cell phone number so I can contact you. More information about individual sessions can be found in Session Descriptions and Costs.
Healthy Emotions are Instrumental to a Healthy, Successful and Fulfilling Life.
When we hold harmful and disruptive emotions within our subconscious mind, we find ourselves living a life with various physical symptoms and emotional difficulties, as well as unhealthy behaviors and habits.
Hypnosis Services
Self Hypnosis
Once you learn this easy method of self hypnosis, you can very quickly move into a hypnotic state anytime you want or need to. Whether it is to eliminate unhealthy behaviors, promote physical and emotional health, build confidence and motivation, or simply re-energize during a busy day, you will have a lifelong tool to help you in every area of your life.
Stress & Anxiety
With every thought, every action and reaction, we experience some level of stress. However, when we feel an overwhelming level of stress, it can cause us to feel deeply fearful, panicky and out of control. Such overwhelming stress and anxiety can lead to a variety of debilitating physical symptoms. While we cannot change the world, we can change our response to it. Hypnosis is an effective method to help us to regain our control, emotionally balance, strength and confidence.
Harboring severely depressive thoughts and debilitating emotions causes self-anger, guilt, and feelings of defeat, hopelessness and helplessness. Hypnosis can help you to reclaim a positive and empowered attitude and recover your happiness and wellness.
Physical, Emotional & Sexual Abuse
When those we trust abuse us, treat us with disrespect, demean us wih judgment and criticism, it erodes our self worth and self love. The process of hypnosis allows disruptive emotional wounds to be faced with an honesty and truth that allows us to take back our power and well-being.
Fears & Phobias
Extreme and seemingly illogical fear is the subconscious way to protect you from what it perceives to be harmful and life threatening. The subconscious mind cannot decipher real danger from imagined danger, and so it creates an intense fear reaction.
Grief, Loss and Separation
Although you cannot change or undo what has occurred, you can change the way you respond. The process of hypnosis can effectively help you to do so. With ease it allows you to openly and honestly express your emotions, acknowledge your doubts and fears, and honor the depth of your sorrow.
Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Substance abuse is a result of deeply seeded unresolved emotional and thought patterns held in the inner mind. Creating emotional health is the basis for complete recovery of all forms of addiction.
Physical Pain
Physical pain is a signal to you that some part of your system and structure is experiencing an insult. The first reaction is resistance, causing an interruption to your natural and normal healthy energy flow. All suppressed emotions will continue to communicate to you in the form of physical pain and disorder until they are heard, understood and released.
Physical Healing
The mind is the greatest force to heal the body right down to the cellular level. Once deeply held emotional hurt, pain and fear is resolved and released, the cellular healing work is through the process of Ultra Height®.
When it seems you cannot “shut off” your mind or you have trouble staying asleep, hypnosis can help you to again have the much needed restful sleep, that is so vital for your health, your energy and clarity of mind.
Sexual Difficulties
Having any problems with sexual ability, functions and pleasures can be devastating and severely disrupt sexual relationships. Once all medical issues are eliminated, hypnosis can quickly and effectively help you regain a sexually satisfying life.
Confidence & Motivation
The state of hypnosis allows you to review past circumstances and understand how and why fearful and demeaning self-beliefs began to sabotage your confidence. Thus, you are able to rebuild your most important relationship, and that is the one with yourself.
Learning & Test Improvement
Poor school grades are generally not because of problems with intelligence or capability, but because of fears held within. Hypnosis can help you take back your confidence and motivation, rekindle your natural joy of learning and successfully take exams.
Weight Control
Hypnosis is a process that helps you take back your emotional health, which then frees you to take back healthy control of your eating patterns. You can then be in control of your weight, feel good about your appearance and improve your physical health.
Tobacco Cessation
No one can make you stop using tobacco. But if you are sick and tired of feeling as though tobacco has control over you and you want your control back, hypnosis can help you. Thus, you are giving yourself the ability to live a longer healthier life.
Ultra Height®
Ultra Height® is a powerful and versatile method of hypnosis where you can work directly with your Higher Mind and tap into expanded levels of mental awareness. It is a state where you can create healing for emotional and behavioral difficulties, as well as physical diseases, illnesses, disorders and conditions. At the same time, you experience a beautiful and very deep relaxation throughout your body.
Spiritual Regression
Offered are various kinds of spiritual regression sessions to help you to gain greater knowledge about yourself that is beyond your current physical incarnation. Such valuable insight naturally offers clarity, healing, meaning and purpose for your current physical life.
Client Testimonials
All original testimonial letters are kept at my office and are available for review.
J.F. - Honeoye Falls, New York
"For a long time, I suffered from jaw clenching (TMJ), teeth grinding at night and horrible migraines that followed. It often accompanied social situations and being around friends, and family. After years of "dealing with the pain", my jaw clenching and migraines became debilitating. My best friend's wedding was the last straw, as I developed a migraine and locked jaw that would completely isolate me from my desires to celebrate my friend and be a part of the wedding, after spending all day as a bridesmaid in preparation for the wedding, my migraine and lock jaw developed like clockwork and I had to leave the wedding early because the pain was so bad. I found Helga through a mutual friend and decided to book a session…
R.F. - Rochester, New York
“I was never skeptical about hypnotherapy, all I knew was that it became my last Hail Mary to work through my panic and anxiety disorder and I needed to find the right provider- I had no idea where to start. That was when I found Helga in Rochester, NY. I had spent roughly 13 years of my life with an anxiety and panic disorder that at times led to depression- this started at the age of 22, and I am 35 now. My disorder stemmed from my health and fear that I would die from a brain or heart issue. I spent 13 years of my life thinking about my heart and my brain with my fingers constantly on my pulse (multiple times daily). With every thought and feeling, my mind would race and my fingers directly to my wrist and check my blood pressure monitor...
S.L. - Rochester, New York
"After struggling with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) for eight years (possibly even my whole life), including trips to Seattle for treatment, I am finally feeling relief thanks to Helga. Having SIBO for so many years, especially undiagnosed, led to significant damage to my intestines and the inflammation was spreading throughout my body. Even after finally passing my SIBO testing with natural treatments (medications did not work) I was unable to restore my diet until after just 10 visits with Helga. Now I am able to eat anything I wish with very little impact. Not only have I healed my intestines, reduced the inflammation in my joints, but my mood and personality has improved...