Understanding Hypnosis
Understanding Hypnosis for Healthy Change
It is said that within each and every one of us resides our own physician.

The hypnotic state is a natural and normal state of the mind.
Hypnotism is a completely safe, noninvasive process where the subconscious mind becomes receptive and allows the establishment of new thoughts and emotions. It’s a process that gives you the opportunity to heal your whole self.
When we heal the thought and emotion living in our mind, we heal the symptom manifesting in our body.
This theory is based on Thought-Cause Alignment, and is fundamental to using hypnosis for healthy change. The premise is that our mental thought patterns influence our emotional and physical health. This model is quite different from the theory of disease in conventional medicine that places the source or origin of disease in the body rather than in the mind.
The body's natural tendency is that towards health.
"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." (Hippocrates, 460-377 B.C.) Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician and teacher wasngiven the title of “Father of Medicine”. He taught that our physical body has the inborn ability to correct itself and grow whole and healthy. When given a healing environment, the mind is given the opportunity to rebalance with healthy thoughts and emotions.
Every person goes in and out of lighter states of hypnosis several times each day.
Hypnosis is a state of focused mental concentration, self awareness, watchfulness and heightened emotional sensitivity. We all move into this mental state spontaneously many times throughout the day. For example, when we are watching a movie or reading a great book and we are completely immersed in the storyline, our focus and concentration deepens, time is suspended and everything happening around us becomes less important. However if the phone rings, we are suddenly jolted back into our everyday conscious mind or outer awareness. We are neither asleep nor unconscious, but we are in a natural state of hypnosis. The subconscious mind or inner awareness dominates, we move into deeper thoughts and became more sensitive to our emotions.
You are always in complete control while in a state of hypnosis.
Although the body is deeply relaxed, the mind is very alert and aware. You are able to hear and respond, and actively take part in a hypnosis session. It is up to you, what suggestions you accept or reject.
Hypnosis allows all levels of the mind to work in beautiful harmony.
When you give consent to move into hypnosis, the critical or judgmental part of your mind temporarily moves to the side, and allows your conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind to work together. This allows you to make new healthy decisions and choices, thus establish healthy positive thoughts, beliefs and emotions within your mind. This is healing, not managing.
Inner and Outer Mind Awareness
The Outer Awareness
The Conscious Mind
This is the outer awareness and the dominant part of the mind during our normal every day awake state. It is the logical, rational, analytical and judgmental part of the mind. It holds our temporary or short term memory. It attempts to create change through will power, but this is just a short burst of energy that is only temporarily effective for change.
The Inner Awareness
The Subconscious Mind
This is the first level of the inner awareness, which is the dominant part of the mind while in a state of hypnosis or somnambulism. It is the powerful goal achieving part of the mind. It is our emotional and perception mind, and does not carry logic or judgment. It holds our permanent memory, our imagination and our inner programming that consists of our core beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and emotions.
The Unconscious Mind
This is the body’s consciousness. It regulates the autonomic nervous system, such as breathing, heartbeat and digestion. It regulates the immune system and defends the body against infection and heals wounds. It also creates the physical sensations (feelings) and physical responses to our emotions.
The Superconscious Mind
This is the Higher Mind and level of expanded mental awareness that carries greater knowledge, greater insight and wisdom.