What Clients Have Written
All original testimonial letters are kept at my office and are available for review.
Anxiety, Panic and Depression
“I was never skeptical about hypnotherapy, all I knew was that it became my last Hail Mary to work through my panic and anxiety disorder and I needed to find the right provider- I had no idea where to start. That was when I found Helga in Rochester, NY. I had spent roughly 13 years of my life with an anxiety and panic disorder that at times led to depression- this started at the age of 22, and I am 35 now. My disorder stemmed from my health and fear that I would die from a brain or heart issue. I spent 13 years of my life thinking about my heart and my brain with my fingers constantly on my pulse (multiple times daily). With every thought and feeling, my mind would race and my fingers directly to my wrist and check my blood pressure monitor. As a collegiate and professional lacrosse player, these issues affect our mental health and challenge me every day. Even with multiple Doctors visits and tests- I was as healthy as can be. However, knowing this never gave me relief, the same stressors occurred. Leading to daily panic attacks most days. Talking with psychologists and therapists only helped me manage and cope.
At the age of 35, I was tired of coping strategies. I knew of the success of hypnotherapy, and at this point, something told me I was ready and Helga was the one. Helga immediately made me feel comfortable- as even the thought of going under regression spurred the angst and panic in me, but she was calming and relaxing. She walked me hand in hand through the process leaving me at ease and eager to start my new journey in life. The experience was cathartic and emotional as the regression took me to a place that I never thought I could be taken. Subconsciously deep into my past, where I felt and saw everything that led to my disorder.
In all honesty, after one session my life changed, it changed in a way that left me crying with happiness. I am writing this review 4 weeks after regression as the efficacy is real. As of now, thoughts are just thoughts, and feelings are just feelings- nothing more, nothing less. As an athlete my workouts have a new bounce to them, I feel happier and have so much relief! The immediate three days following, it was all bliss- every time I thought could enter my head from a feeling- it would turn to comfort and a smile. Now it’s like laughing it off! The panic has ceased, the anxiety has dropped away, and I finally feel as I did before my first panic attack.
I can look at life with so much more joy and appreciation thanks to Helga and her wonderful care and attention. If I could give her an 11 out of 10 or 6 out of 5, I would. Go in with an open mind and open heart, and everything you seek will be waiting on the other side. Thank you, Helga!”
R.F. -Rochester, New York
Jaw Clenching & Migraines
"For a long time, I suffered from jaw clenching (TMJ), teeth grinding at night and horrible migraines that followed. It often accompanied social situations and being around friends, and family. After years of "dealing with the pain", my jaw clenching and migraines became debilitating. My best friend's wedding was the last straw, as I developed a migraine and locked jaw that would completely isolate me from my desires to celebrate my friend and be a part of the wedding, after spending all day as a bridesmaid in preparation for the wedding, my migraine and lock jaw developed like clockwork and I had to leave the wedding early because the pain was so bad.
I found Helga through a mutual friend and decided to book a session to combat my lock jaw and migraine headaches, and, just after two sessions, Helga was able to heal years of repressed anger, people-pleasing and perfectionism that had separated me from forming real connections and being a part of life experiences.
Helga was so supportive and understanding in my healing journey. Throughout the process, she encouraged me, as a lot of what I was holding onto coming into her office were big emotions and memories that had been held in my jaw and head since childhood.
Since my sessions with Helga I have felt so much more present, my head is not clouded or blocked and I feel confidence to handle things that were debilitating in the past. My husband has mentioned that in my sleep I have not grinded my teeth since seeing Helga, and my migraines are completely gone. Recently, my husband and I were on our honeymoon with our best friends and I noticed major changes to how I show up and move in the world. I am no longer fixated on other judgments/criticisms and energy, but have an endless supply of my own energy and healthy detachment away from others' judgments/opinions that had been driving my perception of myself and life experiences for so long.
Helga gave me the tools and the space to be able to finally live my life without debilitating fear and self deprecation that I had lived in for so long. She also was so helpful in giving me tools to carry with me for future social gatherings to remind me of my deservingness and worth(something that I never thought would be possible), and healthy detachment away from the energy that controlled my life. I was reminded of who I was prior to my subconscious thoughts, and invited to return to my authentic/worthy self.
I can't thank Helga enough for her support and encouragement through the whole process. She made me feel so comfortable around the process of hypnosis and was so helpful in guiding me through my emotions. Without my childhood programming and looping, I finally feel like myself, and I have agency over my life. To be free from self-criticism, anger-filled memories and pain in just two sessions, is worth every minute. She truly changed my life."
J.F. -Honeoye falls, New York
SIBO - Intestinal Disorder
SIBO - (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
"After struggling with SIBO for eight years (possibly even my whole life), including trips to Seattle for treatment, I am finally feeling relief thanks to Helga. Having SIBO for so many years, especially undiagnosed, led to significant damage to my intestines and the inflammation was spreading throughout my body. Even after finally passing my SIBO testing with natural treatments (medications did not work) I was unable to restore my diet until after just 10 visits with Helga. Now I am able to eat anything I wish with very little impact.
Not only have I healed my intestines, reduced the inflammation in my joints, but my mood and personality has improved. I have not felt this good mentally in at least 18 years. I fully expect that with a few more sessions I will be completely healed physically. The mind is very powerful, and Helga has helped me to tap into that potential. I will continue to work with Helga to correct all the aspects of my life I have damaged over the years, such as smoking."
S.L -Rochester, New York
Skin Rash
"After seeking treatments from 4 doctors in various specialties, a minor surgery and trying at least 15 internal and topic medications over a span of 12 months, I had begun to give up hope that my itchy rash, which had started in one area and migrated to my whole body, would ever be cured. I decided to try hypnotherapy as a last resort and within 4 sessions most of my itchy and damaged skin had cleared up to perfection with absolutely no use of medication. With continued hypnotherapy treatment, I hope to 100% cure what many of my doctors called their most puzzling and stubborn case of dermatitis."
D.W. -Warsaw, New York
Physical Pain
“I found the 5 sessions that I had to be very helpful. Hypnosis really gets to the root of the problems. The sessions evoked a number of different feelings, emotional release and relaxation. Some of the sessions were not easy, but nothing worthwhile is. I discovered things about myself and have taken that with me. I also find EFT very useful and still use it. I also listen to the tape you made me and I love it. It’s a great way to fall asleep or start the day. I truly believe that opening up the subconscious is the way to truth and thus change. I know my emotional pain has caused my disease. I know by acknowledging the perceptions and feelings behind this pain is my path to freedom. Thank you Helga. You have a great gift!”
Sincerely, A.C. -Rochester, New York
Anxiety & Car Accident PTSD
"HELGA RAHN IS GODS GREATEST GIFT TO THE WORLD! Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). Since first being diagnosed, I have been on 5 different anxiety medications and have sought out all possible types of treatments. Before I came to Helga, I was on 250mg of my antidepressant.
Two years ago, I was in a car accident that left me almost paralyzed. Ever since the accident, my anxiety seemed to sky rocket and became debilitating. I began to develop additional conditions like PTSD, restless-leg syndrome, migraines, and teeth grinding; all of which I was prescribed additional medications for. As things continued to worsen, I was recommended by my doctor to seek help for my PTSD. I had already tried seeing a therapist and psychiatrist, but found all of it to be useless and a waste of money. After much research, I came across Helga’s website and decided to come in for a consultation.
Its hard to elaborate on my hypnosis experience, due to the extensive detail and indescribable feelings/interactions that took place during each session. However, what I can elaborate on is how much Helga has changed and saved my life. After just 4 sessions with her, I feel like I’m finally the true and authentic self that my mental illness has always prohibited me from being. For the first time in eight years, I have been able to begin to wean myself off of my anxiety medications. I went from taking 250mg to 35mg, and will soon be completely off them. The PTSD, restless-leg syndrome, migraines, and teeth grinding are all gone. Most importantly, the vicious voice in my head that controlled my entire life, (my anxiety), is GONE and laid to rest.
I cannot put into words how thankful I am for all that Helga has done for me and taught me. I am forever changed and look forward to spreading her teachings for the rest of my life. Helga, thank you for giving me a second chance at life.”
Sincerely, Madison Thesing -Rochester, New York
Abuse & Trauma
"Helga Rahn is truly a GODSEND!! I came to her with my life in ruins! Debilitating IBS, daily headaches for months, and herniated discs creating a great deal of lower back pain. My relationships were tenuous, at best. Not only was I was living a life without passion, but struggling with heavy depression and constant anxiety that made every day a battle, rooted in repressed traumatic experiences from childhood.
Within the first few sessions the IBS and headaches began to clear. I began sleeping better and had more energy. But the most profound gift Helga has given me is that she gave me my power back. I can now confidently create the life I deserve, consciously and without the self-sabotaging baggage of the past. I am so much calmer and more patient, with myself and others. The egoic, critical voice I'd tortured myself with my entire life has been replaced by the loving, supportive, nurturing soul guidance that had been waiting all this time for me to be present enough to hear it. I carried so many burdens in my subconscious that were running my life right into the ground!
Helga gave me not only a brand new perspective on my beautiful life, but a second chance to do everything the way I always knew I could. I thank God each day for the astoundingly powerful work Helga does. She is exactly what I needed! She is incredibly warm, understanding, knowledgeable, and one of the most intuitive people I've ever met. She always knew the perfect way to proceed and the perfect thing to say to help me work through any situation. She is a blessing to our community!! If you are ready to heal, you could not find better healing hands or a more open, loving heart to entrust yourself to! With all my heart and soul, thank you Helga!!!"
T.D. -Rochester, New York
"I had thought about doing hypnosis but was a little apprehensive until I was redirected and found you. How amazing this has been! To finally have my whole life validated!! And to see what I have accomplished while not knowing what I do now, really makes me feel good about myself! I'm starting to see the sun shine on me! I sleep better. I'm finding the feeling inside to guide me. I see places that I want to try trusting instead of fighting. Life is new and exciting again. When I am unsure, I listen to my heart. I have seen those who offended me shrink in front of me. Thankfulness and gratitude are replacing the fear. I do want to come back and continue at some point, but for right now, I want to cherish this and clear what I had already considered my last big hurdle for me to break through and let everything go. Thank you and bless you for helping me!"
S.S. -Canastota, New York
(excerpt from the letter - 3 years after completion of sessions)
“Dear Helga, You have helped me truly change my life in a way I couldn't quite believe at first, and was hesitant to believe for a long time afterward. I was in the throws of a nasty divorce, wasting my time and energy in a stressful and harmful job, yearning to finish my education, a couple hundred pounds overweight, having had a very abusive childhood, and feeling like every "bad" thing in my life had come to me because I was in fact a "bad" person. It was through this lens that I defined myself- and continued to attract negative experiences. I had 29 years of hurt to release to allow myself to become the person that I am today. The person that I can love, and be proud of... even more, for the first time that I could remember, you aided me in seeing that I really liked me
I know now that I will never repeat the relationship patterns I was stuck in. I know now that all I have to do to reach a goal is ask for what I want, set up the circumstances of my life to receive it and then just be joyful!! My thoughts are always phrased positively and I hardly ever absorb the negativity that the world heaves at all of us from time to time.
I give testimonials at SIA (survivors of incest anonymous) meetings often, and help to run conferences for those who are survivors like me. I always mention you, and the fact that you took me further in less than one year than my previous fifteen years of psychoanalysis and talk therapy combined. I am able to sit comfortably with other people's pain and never feel the emotional sting of my own memories anymore.
I am free from flashbacks, nightmares, disconnecting from my body during sex and general fear of violence. I set appropriate boundaries within all of my relationships, not 100% of the time, but 95% is a fair assessment. But more than that, I am aware when I breach a boundary that should be maintained and am quick to correct it.
I have a loving, positive, encouraging and fiercely loyal circle of friends. We lift each other up and inspire one another to greatness. My relationship with my mother (which was a SUPREME struggle and source of stress in my life) is COMPLETELY peaceful, as if the past had been completely resolved, without her ever engaging in the process of resolution. I frequently give myself credit for healing our entire relationship. I enjoy her company while keeping good boundaries and love to see her with my son. My relationship with my son is rewarding, motivating and keeps me joyful and grateful for adding such powerful purpose to my existence every day.
My life is not perfect, and I have issues that still need my focus, but my love for myself helps me to treat myself with the patience and kindness it takes to make meaningful changes. Speaking of which, since I've seen you I have not had a cigarette! No more substituting one addiction for another. Just one more victory.
Again, thank you for every opportunity you have afforded me, thank you for every blessing you've allowed me to acknowledge, and thank you for helping me to love me enough to truly change my life in a meaningful and lasting way. You are the most gifted therapist I have ever dealt with and I am so grateful that you were led from graphic artistry into a field that so desperately needs people of your caliber. I will admit my original skepticism with regards to hypnotherapy and am now only too happy to convince folks how unwarranted it is whenever and wherever I meet it. Thank you again, Helga! You Rock!!”
Love, J.S. -Rochester, New York
Anxiety & Depression
"Helga, Thanks again for your help. It’s made a huge difference in our lives. I have had depression issues for a good part of my life. These last two years have been especially difficult. I was at the point of considering shock therapy again, when my husband suggested maybe hypnosis would help.
He contacted Helga - the best decision we could have made. I will admit to being a little bit skeptical at first but went in with a completely open mind. My life has done a one eighty. I have the energy, the interest that had been missing for a long time. My husband my daughter, and people that know me have seen the change as well. More importantly its lasted. Nothing changed except Helga. Same doctors, same medicines. I encourage anyone who had a similar situation to really consider trying this. I can’t say enough how grateful I am. Not only to Helga but to my husband for finding her and making an appointment with her. From a very grateful patient."
C.B. - Rochester, New York
“Hi Helga, I am doing great. I feel more in touch with my feelings and emotions, which I love. My relationships with my mom and sister are improving. I actually don’t remember the last time I have cried, when before it was almost every day. I sing your praises to people I know, especially ones that suffer from depression, because I know what they are going through and I know how it feels. Thank you for your help and support and helping me find myself. I know I am on the road to repair, and I cannot thank you enough for that! If I ever need another session, even just to relax, I know who to call...because falling into that soft quiet place was amazing! It made me smile :)"
Thank you again! J.T. - Bergen, New York
“Hi Helga, Thank you for all of your help and expertise. It’s August (2013), and I cannot remember any time in my life where I’ve not been depressed during this month. I keep looking back and this peace and comfort I’m experiencing has just never ever happened before. What typically would follow is a seasonal depression. Yet this depression that I used to have, was robbing more and more of my life until I was left with only June to feel well. It’s been four weeks and the peace and well-being that I am enjoying is going strong!
I used to feel that a person’s body was what it was with no control over predispositions. If one had the tendency to become depressed, then that was just the way it was with no way out. I used to feel that a pill was all that was needed, but pills did not work for me. Through counseling I was able to prepare myself so that hypnosis was an option for me to heal.
I've learned that it’s my past life events and traumas that created the thoughts and feelings that were so detrimental. These thoughts and feelings eventually played out into depression and even physical pain and ailments. Thank you for the chance to meet these traumas head-on, with support and resolution! There are no words that can express my gratitude for the chance to experience my life as meaningful, comfortable, constructive and most of all peaceful! I'm now looking forward to the rest of my life!"
M.R. -Rochester, New York
(5 year follow up from 2013)
"Prior to receiving the services that Helga offers, I was living a life of on and off again depression and anxiety. This trend for me had gone on since the age of 5. I had tried numerous medications, and even psychotherapy. Where psychotherapy proved helpful, it didn't complete the full picture. After only 5 sessions of work to uncover what it was that was causing the symptoms, my life transformed. I no longer need medication, and I no longer suffer from persistent depressions and anxiety. It takes courage for each of us to move deep within to heal. To learn that it is our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions that lead to depression and anxiety was so empowering. Thank you Helga for helping me to realize the healing of this. You have helped me to find that courage, and move through each session successfully. Since then my life has been full and I can count on how I am to feel each day. Life is good!"
M.R. -Rochester, New York
“I’m so glad I met Helga! I’m feeling a level of wellbeing, and spiritual connectedness that I haven’t felt in years, if ever. When I reflect back on things, it almost feels too good to be true. To be on anti-depressants for 25 years, then after 5 visits with Helga, I find I don’t need medicine anymore! Before I met Helga I had been going to therapy for years and years (since I was very young) for anxiety and depression. I have always been a believer in therapy, but found that I would feel better for a while, then the same issues would keep coming back again, and again. It was as if I couldn’t get to the root of the problem. My therapist is actually the one who recommended Helga to me, and I’m so glad he did! I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. I was also hopeful, and very scared!
I felt good after the first session, and a little better after the second session, but something amazing happened to me after the 3rd session – I felt such a sense of peace, wellbeing, happiness, joy, and excitement for life that I hadn’t felt for a long time, if ever at this level! It’s as though Helga helped me to finally get to the root of the problem! I used to suffer with anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. I now experience life through a whole new lens. I feel confident, joyful, and no anxiety!”
A.R. -Rochester, New York
“Helga, I appreciate your gentle spirit in working with me to recognize that the things that happened to me were not my fault, and that others’ problems, though they may have been projected at me are not a reflection of who I am. The Lord’s help along with the techniques you taught me helped me begin to value and love myself. I’m still growing, and I’m loving the changes more and more every day! I pray you continue to help others.”
Thank you! S.R. -Rochester, New York
“Hi Helga! I've had a good week! Things have been going well and I have taken in much of what we worked on together during our last session. Just for fun, I did some research in regards to the past life and I found out there was a volcanic eruption in1856 that killed 10,000 in Indonesia. There was also the second Opium War that started in 1856 China. Now I can better understand why I've always had an affinity for all things Asian. Fascinating stuff.....
I have learned much and there is still much to take in. You have provided tools for me to continue to work on myself and my creative energy. I feel it and I want to play in it. Right now I'm looking forward to a weekend of creativity and am excited to experiment with some new techniques and the newfound freedom I feel to express what's trying to flow out of me.
I want to thank you for everything you have done with me. It is something I've wanted to do for a long time and I'm so happy to have found You to do the work with. Your giving spirit and the way you work has touched a very deep part of me. I am grateful for what you've given me and how much you give of yourself in every session.
The skin picking is something that has been such a part of my life, all my life, but I understand it now. I think the more I focus on what I've learned and put it into action, the more I discover and embrace myself, the more the skin picking will disappear. Thanks to you I have met my higher self and know she is there to help me through the difficult moments. Thank you so very much Helga, for everything.”
K.H. -Rochester, New York
“Hi Helga, When I came for my first visit I felt as if I was hanging on by my fingernails on the edge of a steep cliff. I had felt this way a few times before, and one of those times I actually fell over the cliff and had a nervous breakdown. At that time I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, and the 'cure' prescribed was Zoloft. Well, 7 years later I was on the edge of that cliff again. The Zoloft had helped for a while, but I was still having a lot of trouble coping with everyday life. I had tried hypnosis once before to help me quit smoking, with a successful outcome. I decided to try hypnosis again to try and help me relax, de-stress, and learn coping skills so that I could get off the edge of that cliff. I didn't know where else to turn or what else to try.
I immediately felt comfortable with you at our first visit. I also felt relief, that perhaps I had found something and someone that could help me. After my second visit I felt a huge change in myself. I felt lighter, happier, (and I'm never happy), and more in control of myself and my life. My third visit reinforced and added to my new feelings of well-being and self acceptance and self confidence. I have felt good mentally for weeks on end now, which is an unbelievable thing for me to say. I am able to let the small annoyances that occur during the day go, and not focus on them, or let them destroy my optimistic outlook.”
Sincerely, J.R. -Rochester, New York
“Inner Harmony Hypnosis, with Helga Rahn, was a million times better than I imagined, with none of the fears that others foretold. Hypnosis was calming, enlightening, insightful, and honest. No gimmicks, barking, or tricks, and no translators, books, homework, pills or stimulants. How do I know these things if I was “under” hypnosis? Because I remember. There is no blacking-out. In fact, I thought about topics and people that I brought up while “under” for weeks afterward... amazed that I had remembered or thought it important.
What is it? Just an honest chat with one’s own subconscious, and Helga is there as a guide. She’ll discuss the medical and psychiatric explanation of the process, and you’ll understand it. All I know is that I was in a comfortable chair with my clothes on and a warm blanket her mother crocheted over my legs. The atmosphere of her office is comfortable, secure and welcoming. Helga is non-threatening, warm, gentle, empathetic, informative, knowledgeable, and intuitive. I am not a crystals-and-incense type of person, but I know that she must have a very positive aura.
Results of my hypnosis, and speed of the results, have proven better than a decade of counseling. In 3 sessions I can think of my brother without wanting to smack him in the head, and 40+ years of resentment toward other members of my family, gone. My self-esteem has risen, my judgments of other people has subsided. I have faith in myself and I acknowledge my achievements…seemingly simple statements that were not easy to say before hypnosis.
There are more issues that I want to cover with Helga, and some fun hypnosis adventures I would like to try, so I’ll be going back. Do I recommend hypnosis? With Helga Rahn, absolutely and positively, yes. She has been a god-sent to me. I appreciate her and her compassion, and I recommend her services to everyone. I look forward to working with Helga for years to come, and I know that you, too, will be delighted with her as your guide through your subconscious.”
Sincerely, K.K. -Jacksonville, Florida
“I must say that I was a bit apprehensive before my first visit; I had no idea what to expect. During the preliminary meeting, Helga did a wonderful job of putting me at ease and helping me sort out what my real issue was. In subsequent weeks when we did the actual hypnosis, I thought we made tremendous progress. By the end of 4 sessions I was thoroughly pleased that we had accomplished everything I had hoped for. It’s amazing to what extent we are connected to our childhood emotions. Since the sessions, I have felt distinctly lighter and happier and my family has certainly noticed. I would recommend Helga wholeheartedly!”
K.A. -Rochester, New York
“Helga, I am so grateful for the healing work you did with me. I feel like my internal default has been reset from "woe is me" to "ahhh!" No matter what happens that old pain of feeling like I have no right to be here is gone. I also received so much insight (from Glen), understand things and can be more patient with situations than I was before. My older stepdaughter has been here and she tried to engage me in some ugliness but you can't play tug-of-war if your opponent won't pick up the rope. I just smile and go my own way. I feel like the only struggle here is between me and myself and I am winning. I feel like a new person. Then yesterday I cut my mom's grass and it was pretty warm out, an activity that would always give me a killer headache. I put down my grounding cord afterwards and thought about my neck being healed by the angels and NO HEADACHE. This is huge. Thank you! You opened a door for me and I feel like there was a hole in my energy bucket and no matter how much I learned or how hard I tried I couldn't keep it full. The healing work you did with me plugged that hole right up and at the same time the channeling opened me up to so much help. Thank you from my whole heart!”
L.L. -Duncansville, Pennsylvania
(excerpt from the letter)
“Hi Helga, I want to send you a note to tell you how my life is unfolding these days. WONDERFULLY.... let me explain! Got back Sunday morning at 3 a.m. because the flight was delayed. When I got together with my boyfriend, I was not self-conscious around him at all while naked. I was able to walk around in the light and house and felt carefree about it. I wasn't concerned about covering myself up during sex or anything.
I feel so calm and secure within myself like I've never experienced before. A sense of inner peace that I've never had before. No heaviness and feel very light. I feel comfortable going out in public without makeup for the first time, etc. I like myself..... I love myself. I think I'm pretty cool in many ways!! Never thought this before! I started eating right and taking care of myself. I had gained about 15 lbs over the last several years. Now, the weight is coming off! I learned so much about my past life and my future life to be. Thank you for all your help. You are wonderful.”
K.H. -Austin, Texas
“Hi Helga, I just wanted to write to touch base with you. Things with me are going well, I notice different (good) changes about my life, and how I react to things different, regularly. As days/events pass and I reflect upon them, I definitely notice changes within myself. It is a busy time for me right now and I have noticed that I have not been stressed out, or overwhelmed about it, at all... I guess I am making progress!!. Thanks for your help.”
T.P. -Rochester, New York
"I am loving the work happening with Helga. Here’s how I would describe what hypnosis can do based on my personal experience with Helga. I have all these really upsetting emotions from childhood experiences that shaped my perception of myself as lacking worth, value and confidence. In adulthood, I did a lot of work to understand what took place and why. I have been able to fully rationalize and understand the psychology and the interpersonal dynamics. Having developed that understanding is great, but it has never HEALED me.
The emotional experience and the resulting perceptions of myself are like a sliver or splinter stuck in my skin. I can tell you the story of how the sliver got there. I can rationalize why it splintered off the wood and is lodged in my finger. I can explain why my finger hurts and an infection is forming around the splinter. All that talk is NOTHING. The splinter needs to be extracted. I have concluded that regression hypnosis can extract the splinters and shards of life that lodge themselves in our subconscious.”
S.N. -Rochester, New York
"Helga took me deeply into a state that allowed me to see the source of some anger. I was treating jaw clenching and it worked. It did one more further session to see if i could meet my elders for advice during this lifetime. Again she was able to bring me to a place to find comfort and knowledge that so much of what we worry about it just so little compared to the breadth of our spiritual self."
H.S. -Rochester, New York
Drugs & Alcoholism
"Hello Helga... Just want to say Thank you for your guidance and love! I feel like a trillion dollars today!! I have been reflecting deeply on our 3 sessions. After a lifetime of drug and alcohol addiction, being in and out of every rehab and every program to get clean in NY with no success, and always resorting back to my bad habits, you helped me to see clearly into the root cause of all my addictions where no one had bothered to look before. Like a surgeon you guided me in removing feelings buried deep in my subconscious I had been carrying with me that were causing me great pain and suffering. Today, Thanks to you I have found a new way of life. I now have a new freedom I have never felt before. I now live in a world where I can give and receive love without fear and can finally realize my full potential for happiness. You are amazing (Yeah I know so am I) but take a little credit just this once for me ok? Anyhow I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day to expend all my energy!! You truly are an angel in disguise!”
Thanks for the love, D.B. -Rochester, New York
Hair Pulling
"I went to see Helga for hair pulling (medically known as trichotillomania). I’ve been dealing with it for 30 years and had just about accepted it as something I’d always have to deal with, hide, and feel ashamed about. I tried traditional therapy, which did not work for me. I started talking to a friend about hypnosis, and I decided I’d give it a try. Helga’s website was the only one I found in my area that specifically listed trichotillomania, so I booked an appointment. Helga is wonderful! She has a beautiful soul. She is so empathetic, and you can just feel that she genuinely cares about you and your situation. It was also obvious that she has a lot of experience and knowledge. In just three sessions we worked though my issues, and I haven’t pulled out any hair since session one. The urge is no longer there. I am so grateful!"
A.B. -Rochester, New York
Nail Biting
"After dealing with an obsessive-compulsive disorder since I was a child, I decided to take the step to finally rid myself its grip and take my life back. I had been to other therapists but never had much success. Hypnosis was an option I had not considered but I was willing to give it a try. “Wow!” is the most descriptive word I can use to explain the results. Helga was very good at explaining the process and making me feel comfortable throughout the sessions. She led me on a journey where I was able to confront the causes of my anxiety. Though there were past events in my life that I knew contributed to my anxiety, I discovered some others that I never knew existed. With this new awareness and understanding, I can now confront my trauma and move past it."
P.G. -Rochester, New York
Relationship Breakup
"Hi Helga, I am amazed at how good I have felt since our one session! I expected to feel better, but my whole outlook has drastically improved. I have not been dwelling on the lost relationship, and have truly felt happy to be living my own life. I enjoy doing things with family, friends or by myself and am not always wishing I was with someone else, doing something else. I am happier than I have been in a long, long time--even before the end of the relationship. It's so strange to me that such a change could take place, especially since I was aware of everything you and I were saying. It was money very well spent and I will get in touch soon to come see you again for other issues I have struggled with throughout my life. Thank you SO much--you are amazing! From our first meeting, I couldn't get over how quickly you could read a situation and you have lightning-fast perception of a person or circumstances."
Thank you, T.S. -Rochester, New York
(excerpt from the letter)
“It is amazing to me to think that the 3 sessions we had could help me to fix a problem I have had for the past seven years. The work that we did together changed my life, and made my marriage the kind of relationship my husband and I wanted so much! Thank you for your time and sensitivity to my situation. I wish you and I had met many years ago!”
Thank you, C.P. -Rochester, New York
* This client called me about one year later to give me the news that after several years of failed attempts had a healthy baby boy.
“Having exhausted all avenues of therapy I could think of, I sought your help. When you told me that within 3 sessions I would be in major control of grief, I thought you were crazy. I had no idea, with the depth of my grief, that it would be possible, but you were right. I now realize he is but a heartbeat away and I can bring the loving memories into my mind instead of the tragic circumstances of his death, which paralyzed me. I finally feel in harmony with him again, and with myself. Your caring concern and outgoing ways were soothing and helped me realize my potential to be happy again.”
Sincerely, N.F -Rochester, New York
Fear of Needles
(Session Date - May 2013) (Update - November 2014)
“Hello Helga, You must have heard me thinking of you last week. I've been meaning to write to you for some time. Since we've last met I have had some major changes to my life. I divorced, sold my home of 25 years, and moved to Arizona. I cannot thank you enough for helping me with my syringe issue. With the emotional support of my new love, I was able to go to the doctor's office and have 8 viles of much needed blood work done. It's wonderful to hear from you, thank you for thinking of me!”
K.J. -Rochester, New York
Fear of Heights & Bridges
“Hi Helga, I know it’s been awhile, but I was always worried that I would go back to my fears. I want you to know that since I have relocated, I cross a 4 mile bridge to get to and from work, and drive along many bays, narrows, outlets, etc. I can do it! I have a life.”
A.C. -Maryland
(Session Date - October 2014) (Update - November 2014)
“Hi Helga, I did phenomenal during the adventure course with the heights. I only got nervous once and remembered what you had said. I relaxed and told myself nothing was going to happen and continued on. Thank you for everything. I really enjoy talking to you.”
C.K. -Warsaw, New York
Fear of Flying
“Wow! I sincerely want to thank you for all you have done for me. My neck and arm problems have vanished!!!!!!! Amazing, it had to be a major build up of stress. I was so skeptical before I came to you, but after just 3 sessions, I feel like my 2 biggest inner fears and phobias are numb. I don’t have these constant anxieties thinking about my upcoming trip. I can’t wait to enjoy my vacation!! I feel so good and also laugh about having smiles on my face while I was in hypnosis and really getting TOO comfortable in your recliner… ha-ha. Again, I truly feel if a person really wants to make changes to the good in their life, hypnosis is a miracle waiting to happen. Again thank you so much, love and live life!”
E.L. -Rochester, New York
Feeling Stuck
“Hi Helga. Well, first, the (infatuation) is all but gone. I view her only as a friend. She is "fun" to be around, but there is no more emotional attachment in an amorous way. It has just happened that way over time. Cool.
At my current job, I've been limited by management. I started to hit the "help wanted" ads hard. I found an ad for the job I wanted. After my interviews I got the call that they wanted me to work for them!!! I was able to handle myself in the interviews with a confidence and a peace that I have never experienced before. Five minutes into the first interview, the HR manager told me that rarely the person on the paper and the one in front of her match. She told me that I was the "real deal". It made me feel really good about myself. The job has a totally consistent daytime schedule, and increases my salary immensely from what I am making now. I also am trying to get a part time job that I applied for. They are interested in me as well. Now, I know that balance has been an issue with me in the past, but I need to do this at least for a short time. Now I feel as if it is a real possibility to get myself out of my debt.
I was feeling like I was trapped by my job and my age. I no longer feel that way at all. Actually, I feel empowered and confident for the first time in a very very long time. I am not even feeling nervous about the change, but excited about it. It is such a different feeling, I can’t even describe it. I took the totally high road at my notification at my current job. I told the manager how it all transpired, and thanked him and the company for everything they did for me. I'm now excited to get started and move on the next phase and chapter of my life.
Funny thing, I asked my brother and sister-in-law to pray for me for a job. The day I got the job, he told my mother that I got the job at 3:00 p.m., but I didn’t get the call until 4:30 p.m. Go figure. Right now, things are going great.
I also met with a new woman that interested me. She has a lot of drama in her life, and I was not sure how much I wanted to get involved, but now we have lost contact. The meeting place we had chosen caters to a younger crowd, so I have to re-evaluate the where and how I seek companionship, and I realize this, so I think this is really great. Also, the initial meeting has rekindled in me a desire that had long since evaded me, and I think that is very healthy. The time with her re-awakened my joy when there is a mutual interest for closeness and that is what is really nice for me. Even though we lost contact, it hasn't even brought about the defeatist "poor me" feelings that arose in the past. So progress it is. I feel that right now, it is my general concern for her, just to know what happened to her, that she is all right, that keeps me thinking about her. But what makes it important to me is that I feel I am mitigating the emotional aspects of this appropriately. I am not getting all worked up in a turmoil of emotions and thoughts, and that to me is a freedom to a degree that I have NEVER felt. LIBERATING!! Thanks for everything. Seriously. I am for the first time experiencing life for the "first time", I really feel that way. Let’s see where it takes me. I'm excited.”
P.R. -Rochester, New York
“Helga, thank you for your skill and passion for making a difference in my life. It has been a few months since the conclusion of our sessions, and I have experienced many exciting changes. If you recall, I felt as if I was “stuck” in my career, and I was not sure what to do, although I knew it was time to make changes. I attempted many times to make the necessary changes myself, but I wasn’t very successful.
Your work helped to clear what was holding me back. Now I have many options, and I feel free from the chains that kept me stuck and unable to take meaningful action. It is quite liberating to move through the world with a sense of flow and curiosity about the future. I feel at peace with my direction and I know I’m moving forward. I sincerely thank you for the work you do in improving lives. Keep up the great work!!”
Warmest Regards, B.M. -Rochester, New York
Confidence & Motivation
“I have felt very good since my sessions with you. Your work enabled me to see inside myself to find the issues that have been holding me back. I feel that, overtime, this experience will help me reach my goals.”
Thank you Helga. V.B. -Rochester, New York
“Helga, I can’t thank you enough for helping me. My outlook on life is totally different now. I feel that I am at peace with myself. And the side effects are that I no longer have the munchies at night and it has been almost 3 weeks without a cigar!” The best of luck to you. Stay in touch.”
R.A. -Rochester, New York
Career Success
“I had an amazing experience at Inner Harmony Hypnosis. I worked with Helga when I was at a crossroads with my career and she helped me to uncover the drivers behind my professional characteristics that were contributing to unmanageable stress levels. After 4 sessions with Helga, I now feel centered in my true self and confident that I can have a career that will not only full fill me professionally, but will allow me to live a more balanced happy life.”
J.W. -Rochester, New York
Learning & Test Improvement
“Thank you so much! My college grades have improved so much since my sessions with you. I never realized how my insecurities could have given me so much trouble in school. I feel like my whole life is changed for the better.”
C.H. -Rochester, New York
Weight & Eating
“I am pleased with the results so far. I have lost 15 lbs. so far and I’m going strong. The children have even noticed I don’t finish my food. However, I often do the one-half as I dish out my food. I still do not care to waste food. Thank you so much. I’ve enjoyed our sessions.”
L.P. -Rochester, New York
“There was an immediate sense of empowerment! Things are going well. I thought I would feel dependent on you, but the weight drop continues.”
Best wishes, M.M. -Rochester, New York
"I had a great experience with Helga. I am a Mental Health Counselor and I was looking to regain control over certain problem areas of my life utilizing a different approach other than traditional therapy. Helga was wonderful and walked me through the process of healing during my sessions. Since my sessions, I have seen a number of positive changes in my life and I feel like I have been empowered and enlightened. These changes have come so naturally and I am pleasantly surprised at how effective Helga and Hypnosis is. I will absolutely continue with Helga for any other healing needs I may have for years to come. She is excellent!"
L.D. -Rochester, New York
(Need to Eat, Starving Feeling - 1 Hypnosis Session)
“Hi Helga, It's been rather remarkable since we had our session. I am not nearly as crazed about food and have been able to make better choices. Actually, I have gone vegetarian since we last talked. I'm not sure I could have made such a restriction on my food choices before. I want to thank you so much for guiding me in this healing.”
Thank you, T.Y. -Rochester, New York
Tobacco Cessation
“I came into your office for a session on Saturday for smoking cessation. At the end of the 3-hour session, I really didn't feel I made a good candidate for hypnotherapy. Well, it worked, because I am smoke-free now. I even tried a cigarette yesterday, and I just didn't want it. Not only have I conquered, I have less anxiety; I can feel it. Wow! I've been trying all the wrong ways to quit cigarettes (patches, gum, etc.) I am a true believer in hypnotherapy and I will be giving you as a reference. Again thank you. Or should I thank me? You showed me how my mind works and how I am able to take control.”
D.R. -Rochester, New York
“It’s been 1 month since I became a non-smoker. I’ve had no cravings or desire to smoke, even at times of stress or high anxiety; not even when I have a glass of wine or beer, which went ‘hand in hand’ with a cigarette.”
Thank you! S.F. -Rochester, New York
“2 sessions! I am still amazed at how quickly it worked for me, after 45 years of smoking, without ever being able to quit for more than a week. I am saving so much money too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And that kid inside me thanks you too. That was truly an amazing experience.”
Thank you! M.V. -Rochester, New York
“My 3 sessions with you have changed my life. Thank you so much. I feel so much better about myself and my life. I did not realize my past problems were partly to blame for my smoking. Now I can be with my smoking friends and it is okay. But my boyfriend and I are happier to be without cigarettes. I never realized how much money we used to spend on cigarettes! So we’re putting that extra money away for other things. It’s great! Thanks again. I’ll never forget how good it felt to be hypnotized.”
L.G. -Rochester, New York
Ultra Height®
“I started working on the issue of guilt more than 20 years ago. And I had come a long way. Then I began having physical issues eight years ago, and no manner of medical or alternative healing made much of a dent, until I had a few phone sessions with Helga. In a deep state of hypnosis, I realized that my electrical buzzing, aches and pains had their roots in an ancient decision I had made (along with my fellow humans), which created the original guilt, a.k.a. original sin. And I could finally forgive myself for forgetting who I am and why I made that decision. Now, I can look at myself in the mirror and laugh at my refection because I am finally free to move through life with joy, unencumbered by guilt.”
J.M. -Maryland
Spiritual Regression
“Helga provided me with an incredible experience. I felt safe, educated and deeply inspired by my two sessions with her. She did a wonderful job "putting me under" especially since it was my first time and I had no idea what to expect. As she guided me through past life experiences and the in between stages she directed all the questions I had listed previously into our session. This allowed me to gain invaluable insight and understanding into my current life.
It's an experience I think of daily and am thankful I worked with Helga. She is a master of her craft, and I highly recommend her to anyone who feels called to exploring past lives and the in between. Thank you again Helga!”
K.L.P. -Rochester, New York
“I recently gifted myself a past life and life between life session with Helga. Being newly retired from private practice as a regression therapist myself I wanted to explore being the client for a change. Helga piloted me on an extraordinary journey, taking me to layers I had never reached before. The five hours I spent comfortably journeying in Helga's beautiful office over 2 days took me... on healing adventures through past lives... to reunions with my core soul group... interactions with otherworldly master teachers... contemplation on my own personal mountaintop home base... and offered me glimpses of the big picture and true nature of my soul's purpose. I took advantage of her skillfully crafted recording of the session and so now have it to listen to whenever I wish for further processing. It was quite a journey! Since the sessions I am enjoying more and more contentment in my life. Thank you Helga... I will surely be back for more.”
Diane Goergen, MS, ATR-BC, LCAT, LMT, Reiki Master -Canandaigua, New York
“Hello Helga, There is a clarity of purpose since we met last and I feel a great burden lifted from me. For this I will always be eternally grateful to you! I have been listening to the Cd's and I am very moved at how you helped me through this journey with such skill, patience and caring. You showed extreme sensitivity, awareness and guidance through the entire process. You are truly a gift from the Creator and I knew when you returned; you returned for a purpose. I am deeply and profoundly moved by your work and I have joined with you to do the work of God. From my deepest source of gratitude, I offer you Love, peace and prosperity from the place of most abundance; my heart!”
With All Sincerity, M.E. -Rochester, New York
(excerpt from the letter)
“I did some work with Helga to try to figure out this thing we call 'life'. I knew I needed to do some exploration when the sickness colitis flared up again. I needed some pretty deep work to clear through all the 'mud' I've built up in myself. The last session we did was an LBL and that was pretty powerful. I felt I went 'home' again and boy did it feel good. You know that Cheers song 'where everybody knows your name'. Well names weren't important here but I sure felt they all knew me and I knew them and in that instant I was in that 'Cheers' bar, feeling at home.
Helga was guiding me to find the purpose of why I am here. Whenever that came up, all the 'spirits' did was play with me. We traveled through the clouds, flew (without a plane) toward the sun, pretty much laughing the whole time. Could that be my whole purpose in life, just to play?
I woke up the next morning, and I felt like I was on a cloud. Answers in the form of questions seemed to pop into my mind. Why do we have to wait for death before we can 'see the light'? Wouldn't it be much more appreciated while still in our bodies? Why can't we enjoy the little surprises that life brings instead of waiting for the more obvious surprise parties?
When you're in love, everything around just seems to glow. The grass is greener, everything is sunny, and you even want your enemies to become your best friends. If you are in love with life instead of an object, the same thing happens and everything negative just disappears on its own. Helga really helped me see this through the session.
Can I always maintain this feeling? Not yet. Once you learn to connect with it, though, you know how to connect with it again when you need it without waiting for the object (as if IN love with a person) to get you there. It's just always there. All you have to do is switch the switch. Thanks again for all your help.”
S.S. -Jacksonville, Florida
“Helga, I’m writing to say thank you for the incredible LBL session. I remember having many questions for my spirit guides, and one of the most important centered around my purpose for being here. The answers I received were so clear that they were profound. I have sought these answers through a variety of methods, including: books, tapes, seminars, etc., but to no avail. My purpose centers around communication, and I have noticed that I am able to live my purpose more fully every day, no matter where I am or how I earn my living. The quality of my life continues to improve.
As I live my purpose, I notice that people open up to me more frequently. People who I’ve known at a certain level will share more of who they are, and at a much deeper level. Often, complete strangers will share their stories. I have a higher level of connection with people and it makes an enormous difference in my life. Thank you for the work you do. You have helped me to open my life to a whole new world of possibility.”
B.M. -Rochester, New York