Our Past Affects Our Present
We are the Sum Total of Our Past.
How we emotionally internalize our past directly influences our present life. When we reflect inward and uncover those emotions, we can understand what drives our current life patterns.
When we hold onto unhealthy emotions, they grow over time and eventually have a debilitating affect on us. Eventually stuck and buried emotions cause an uncomfortable feeling somewhere in our body. The feeling we feel is the physical sensation of those emotions. A trapped emotion may generate a feeling of tightness in our throat, a knot or emptiness in our stomach, or an ache in our back. When we listen to those feelings, we discover the emotion generating that feeling.
In all respects, our emotions and our feelings are our inborn guidance system. All feelings are valuable, important and vital. They help and guide us to recognize what we need to do for ourselves to be healthy and happy. However, we live in a world that so often considers many emotions and feelings as being bad. We are routinely given drugs to numb and mask the emotions that need our attention. Emotions we do not pay attention to and remain stuck and buried within us manifest into emotional imbalance, unhealthy behaviors, illness and disease.
Emotional Resonance
Physics states that all things in life vibrate at a certain frequency. When two things have a similar frequency, and one is activated or begins to vibrate, it causes the other one to resonate or vibrate. For example, let’s say two guitars are tuned to each other and they are placed close in proximity. If the C string of one guitar is activated, the C string of the other guitar will be activated. Together they will vibrate due to an acoustic resonance.
Emotional resonance follows the same principle. We store our memories, our thoughts, our emotions and feelings in the cells of our body. When a current situation, incident or event resonates with a past situation, incident or event, we instantly have flashbacks. Those stored memories, thoughts, emotions and feelings are energized, and they resonate forward into our present. Essentially we are re-experiencing or re-living our past. Actually, the mind through the body is calling out for us to listen, and that we are carrying sabotaging emotions and perceptions that need to be faced, resolved and released.
The process of hypnosis gives us the ability to free ourselves from such emotional energy that comes from earlier life situations. We free ourselves from the emotional anchors of our past that sabotage our present life. Thus, we take back our health, happiness and control.