Medical Referral
When a Medical Referral is Needed
(Medical Referral Sample)
I, Helga Rahn, am a trained and certified hypnotist by The Omni Hypnosis Training Center with director Gerald F. Kein, Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training and Services with director Calvin D. Banyan and Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques by The American Institute of Hypnosis. I am a member of The National Guild of Hypnotists and The National Federation of Hypnotists, and a Board Certified Member of the National Board of Hypnosis Education and Certification. I have an established private practice in hypnotism, and my business Inner Harmony Hypnosis is registered in the State of New York and is located in Rochester, New York.
Hypnotism is not at this time licensed by state governments, and is a self-regulating profession of certified practitioners. I am neither a physician nor a licensed health care provider, and I do not provide medical diagnosis or medical treatment for medically diagnosed illness, disease or mental disorders of any kind. Hypnotism does not replace conventional medical procedures, but works as a complement and in conjunction with the health care system.
New York State law requires a medical authorization or clearance for certified practitioners not medically licensed. This is why a Medical Referral is required for people seeking my help to overcome a medically diagnosed mental or physical illness, disorder or disease.
It has been my experience that receiving clearance from physicians is welcomed. This is because their interest is to provide health care by treating the body and my interest is to help renew mental health, thus creating physical health. This gives physicians another avenue to provide health care for their patients.
Physicians are welcome to contact me for any concerns and questions. I am always pleased to explain that my work is to help clients resolve mental programming that fuels unhealthy emotional and physical conditions and unwanted behaviors and habits. My work is noninvasive and cannot harm in any way, but only help and contribute to improving health. Upon request, I am pleased to share written progress reports with the client's given physician.
I encourage all clients to invite their physician to review my website at their convenience. It provides a great deal of information about the effectiveness of using hypnosis for health and life improvement. I also encourage physicians to review my education and qualifications.
Cost Free In-House Presentations
To all Physicians and Health Care Professionals:
Since some of my clients need a medical referral before we begin session work, physicians and health care professionals have shown interest in learning more about hypnosis. Feel free to contact Inner Harmony Hypnosis, and I would be pleased to come to your office or center and give an in-house presentation. Let me know if you have a particular area you would like to focus on, and I will offer you specific information for that need or interest.