Ultra Height®
Ultra Height® is a Mental Level of Expanded Awareness
Ultra Height® is a method of hypnosis that guides the mind into levels of expanded awareness and readily obtain greater knowledge and insight as well as create physical healing.
A truly beautiful, wonderfully blissful and peaceful method for healing, exploration and discovery is Ultra Height®. It is a powerful and versatile modality, developed by the late Gerald F. Kein, founder of the Omni Hypnosis Training Center. In this deeper level of the inner mind known as the superconscious mind, you can work directly with your higher mind and body consciousness.
It is a state where you can overcome emotional and behavioral difficulties, as well as renew your physical health. At the same time, you experience a beautiful and very deep relaxation throughout your body.
Moving into this profound level of mental awareness is possible for everyone. The only requirements are to have a great desire and then an expectation and full commitment. It cannot be forced or pushed but simply be allowed to happen for you.
The transformation possible within this powerful level of the mind is virtually limitless. With each successive session you are able to move into levels of expanded mental awareness with more and more ease, gain more insight and create more healing change. The beauty of Ultra Height® is that there are absolutely no dangers, as it is a totally positive, joyous and loving experience.

Tapping into the Collective or Universal Consciousness.
The method of Ultra Height® allows us to tap into the deepest part of the inner mind, also known as the superconscious mind. It is our higher source that contains all the information on every condition of our mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Through the superconscious mind we are able to tap into the collective or universal consciousness. This is a vibrant living field of energy we are all part of and connects all life force both physical and nonphysical. Such expanded awareness gives us the powerful opportunity to heal even the most challenging health issues.
Jill Bolte Taylor wrote about her remarkable story in her book
"My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey".
Brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor had the research opportunity of a lifetime when she witnessed her own massive stroke. As those first moments unfolded and her stroke damage progressed, she received a first-hand account of the amazing yet separate workings of the left verses the right hemisphere of her own brain. What an incredible revelation of the beauty of our creative side. Something that is available to us all.